What size are the spaces? Most spaces are 10x10, some are larger.
Tables size? 8ft x 30 inch, one free with space, must be requested. Additional tables are $10.00 each.
Can I use a tent in my set up? Yes. But please check with me. Some spaces are narrow and long. So it wouldnt work.
Do I get the same space every show? We do our best to give returning exhibitors the same booth every time. This is not allways possible if the applications are sent in late. We do not make any promises to save booths. Please send in applications in ASAP to get the spot you wish for. Again no promises. Applications are available here a year in advance and can be sent in asap.
Where should I mail my payment/application? Send to : A Fair to Remember, 259 Fredonia Ave, Fredonia, Wi 53021. NO OTHER ADDRESS!
How will I be notified? You will get an email booth confirmation once accepted. If you don't have email, the booth information will be sent regular mail.
When should I apply? As soon as possible. The applications are available a year in advance. We accept applications untill the show is full. Then you can be on the waitlist for cancellations.
Do I have to fill out the s240? Yes. We need a form filled out from every vendor. It does not matter how much or little you sell. These are required by the state for each show. They are NOT kept on file.
Do you take credit card, Venmo, Paypal payments? Not at this time. We accept check, money order or certified check. If not accepted the check will be shredded, and you will be notifed via email.
Do you offer prepaid tickets? Not at this time.
Do I get a table and chair? Tables and chairs MUST be requested. 2 or more table are $10.00 each.
Is there electric? Electric must be requested and is $10.00 additional. I have limited electric spaces.
What if I need to cancel? Notify us as soon as possible. There are no refunds, once you are assigned a booth.
Vendor Set up times- April show- Friday 4pm-8pm, Saturday 6am-9am
October Show -Friday 11am-8pm, Saturday 6am-9am
December show- Friday 4pm-8pm, Saturday 6am=9am
Do I need to send payment? Yes, Applications are only accepted with payment.